Montessori Mathematics
Maths is all around us, from weighing ingredients for baking to counting money to pay for items at a shop. Our world is dependent on maths. Children are introduced to numbers very early in life i.e. how many fingers do you have? How many brothers or sisters do you have? And how many candles are on your birthday cake? They might even be able to count to ten before attending montessori school. Our aim is to reinforce the child’s simple number vocabulary and understanding of counting, so along with the early mathematical exercises we also introduce number songs, rhymes and stories, dancing to rhythms which they can count out, bead threading counting exercises etc. From these counting games the child will learn to relate to number concepts.
In our montessori classroom concrete didactic materials are used to present the child with abstract mathematical concepts which gives the child an understanding of the logical thinking behind mathematics. They will be introduced to:
1. Free Play and Experiment:
Water, sand, blocks, bottle tops, pegs and cartons. These help the child to develop concepts of size, shape, quantity, weight, capacity and temperature
2. Number:
Sorting and classifying collections of assorted objects according to size, shape, colour. The recognition and writing of numerals 1 – 10, 11- 19, 19 - 99. The use of simple structural materials e.g. number strips, number games, number rhymes.
3. Activities:
Informal number activities based on the child’s environment i.e. simple shopping, measuring – length of desk, weighing and covering surfaces with paper i.e. Area.
In our montessori classroom concrete didactic materials are used to present the child with abstract mathematical concepts which gives the child an understanding of the logical thinking behind mathematics. They will be introduced to:
1. Free Play and Experiment:
Water, sand, blocks, bottle tops, pegs and cartons. These help the child to develop concepts of size, shape, quantity, weight, capacity and temperature
2. Number:
Sorting and classifying collections of assorted objects according to size, shape, colour. The recognition and writing of numerals 1 – 10, 11- 19, 19 - 99. The use of simple structural materials e.g. number strips, number games, number rhymes.
3. Activities:
Informal number activities based on the child’s environment i.e. simple shopping, measuring – length of desk, weighing and covering surfaces with paper i.e. Area.